- 如果希腊要走出这种蹒跚于一个又一个纾困计划的困境,需要对其政治文化进行深刻变革。
- If greece is to do more than simply stagger from bail-out to bail-out , the country needs a profound change in its political culture .
- 如果您发现您的狗狗开始气喘吁吁、甚至蹒跚咳嗽,要马上停止活动带狗狗去阴凉的地方,用冷水给狗狗擦拭并鼓励狗狗少量饮水。
- If you notice your dog begins to wheeze or even stagger and cough immediately discontinue the activity and get the dog into the shade or in a cool area . Sponge the dog with cool water and encourage them to drink small amounts .
- 但私人提供者们为了能向那些愿意花大钱购买最新消息的交易商们收取额外的费用却越来越错开本机构数据的发布。
- But private providers are increasingly looking to stagger the release of proprietary numbers so they can charge more to high-speed traders who will pay handsomely for the zippiest feeds .
- 所有的电都来自私营发电厂,但是,燃料供应一点也不正常。
- All electricity comes from private generators , but the supply of fuel is irregular .
- 如果出现经期不正常、痛经、量过大、淋漓不尽等症状则要去看医生了。
- Irregular , painful periods and excessive or prolonged bleeding are symptoms that should be checked out by a doctor .
- 投射网和博物馆的墙相互交汇最终形成了许多不规则的窗口。
- The intersections of the projected net and the museum walls gave rise to multiple irregular windows .
- 如此说来,2003年的停电事故说明,美国电网在面对诸如未修建的树木和高温中耷拉着的电线这类威胁时的抗性还不够高。
- So , for example , the blackout of 2003 showed how the u. s.power grid remains less than resilient to challenges like untrimmed trees and power lines sagging in the heat .
- 他一离开理发店,就看到街上有一个人,头发长长,又粘又脏,胡子拉碴,看起来肮脏凌乱。
- Just after he left the barbershop , he saw a man in the street with long , stringy , dirty hair and an untrimmed beard . He looked dirty and unkempt .
- 如果他们存在,就不应该会有人有脏脏的长头发,胡子也没修理,像外面那个人一样。
- If they did , there would be no people with dirty long hair and untrimmed beards , like that man outside .