- 沿乌节路购物和城市的天际线是一个外向型经济的高耸的表达。
- There is great shopping along orchard road and the city 's skyline is a towering expression of its outward-looking economy .
- 在理查德尼克松时期的财政部供职后,高大的沃尔克先生(6英尺7英寸)曾被吉米卡特和罗纳德里根任命至美联储。
- After serving at the treasury under richard nixon , the towering ( 6ft 7 in ) mr volcker was appointed to the fed by both jimmy carter and ronald reagan .
- 我正在观赏一路上那些高大的石灰岩峭壁(反正是我的借口),就在这一刻我冲下了河岸掉进了一条沟渠里。
- There I was admiring the landscape with towering limestone bluffs ( my excuse anyway ) when the next moment I 'm careering down the bank into a ditch .
- 许多投资者可能会发现,在去年遭受重创之后,他们很难考虑重新在外汇上押很大的赌注。
- Many investors might find it hard to imagine betting big once more on fx after the battering they took last year .
- 它们还必须放松对本币的管制,以求通过汇率而非外汇积累来消除由市场驱动的压力。
- They must relax controls over currencies too , so that market-driven pressures clear through the exchange rate rather than fx accumulation .
- 新兴市场决策者将面临古老的难题:是否对外汇市场进行干预,或者是否以较高成本进行冲销式干预。
- Em policymakers will be faced with the age old dilemma of intervening in fx markets or not , sterilising at high cost or not .