- 但是,完全阉割并不是形成一个有效的“塞子”所必需的。
- But full emasculation was not considered necessary for making an effective plug .
- 对最平常的一种食材豆腐,他们的反应最为多样,从强势男性对被阉割的担忧,到豆类爱好者的赞许兼而有之。
- Yet it is an innocuous ingredient tofu that triggers the widest spectrum of reactions , ranging from alpha male fears of emasculation to beams of approval from bean-lovers .
- 这个国家被阉割的脆弱民主--从克里姆林宫对电视的垄断到对其他反对派候选人的压制--足以保证这一点。
- The emasculation of the country 's fragile democracy-from the kremlin 's monopoly over television to the crushing of any serious opposition candidates-is enough to ensure that .
- 阉割同样切断了繁殖能力,昆金指出这也是一个和寿命有关的因素。
- Castration also cuts off the possibility of reproduction , which kyung-jin noted could also be a factor .
- 他们可能是阴阳人或是有女性特征的男人,有时是被阉割后的。
- They may be intersex people or men who take on feminine identities , sometimes after castration .
- 它们受到恐怖的身体摧残:高温断喙,断尾,耳切割和阉割。
- They are subjected to horrible mutilations : beak searing , tail docking , ear cutting and castration .
- 笑话你阉了我现在后悔么。
- Your castrate of spay I regret now .
- 阉,还是不阉,是关键问题。
- To castrate , or not to castrate , that is the question .
- 巴不得那些扰乱你们的人,将自己割净了
- Would that those who are upsetting you might also castrate themselves !