- 当局在决定审问地点时左右为难,他们想要保证生病的前总统一定程度的隐私和安全。
- Deciding on the site for the interrogation was a dilemma for the authorities who wanted to grant the ailing president a degree of privacy and security .
- 罗瑞在悲痛之余,不得不面对一个艰难的选择:没有了丈夫的指导,是应该继续翻修工程还是彻底放弃这个梦想之屋?
- A grieving ms. chevalier was left to confront a dilemma : continue the remodel without the benefit of her husband 's guidance , or give up on the dream house entirely ?
- 俄罗斯处理宗教自由问题的难处部分揭露了一个窘况:到底这个国家是一个世俗国家还是一个有信仰的国家呢?
- Russia 's difficulty in dealing with religious freedom reflects partly a dilemma about whether the country is a secular or a confessional state .