- 无论是哪个发明者都必须从大树中找到厚的木板,用它来制造巨大的,圆形车轮,同时也需要金属工具来凿出一个精密贴合的洞以及轮轴。
- Whoever invented it must have had access to wide slabs of wood from thick-trunked trees in order to carve large , round wheels . They also needed metal tools to chisel fine-fitted holes and axles .
- 含大量木质组织的植物(大多属双子叶植物),具强壮,厚且坚韧的木质化茎部,茎被木栓层包裹。
- Plant ( usually dicotyledonous plant ) which has large amount of xylem tissues and have strong , thick , lignified stem which is covered with a layer of cork .
- 一种产于美国东北部的多年生草本植物,地下茎厚,瘤状,黄色,叶大,圆形。
- Perennial herb of northeastern united states having a thick knotted yellow rootstock and large rounded leaves .