- 放下洗手间马桶的座垫。
- Put the toilet seat down .
- 而厕所就是地上的一个洞。
- The toilet was a hole in the ground .
- 他们没料到会碰上一处收费厕所。
- They had not expected a pay toilet .
- 加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。
- His mute and illiterate mother , and her extended family , raised her two sons in a small flat in algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water .
- 然后他下楼去盥洗室洗手,外套跟男人帽子也挂在那。
- Then he went to wash his hands in the downstairs lavatory , where coats and the man 's hats and a cap hung on hooks .
- 即使这意味着参观者不得不把酒倒进机场的厕所。
- Even if it means that the visitor has to leave the bottles behind in an airport lavatory .
- 他是写在厕所墙壁上的笑话?
- Is it jokes scribbled on the washroom wall ?
- 在每节卧铺车厢里至少有两个西式厕所和一个带脸盆的洗手间。
- Each sleeping-car has at least two western-style toilets and a washroom with sinks .
- 打扰一下,洗手间在哪里?我承认,我梦过多次这样的场景。
- Excuse me , where 's the washroom ? I 'll admit I have this dream a lot .
- 在上一段中,我提到在南部英语中hw和w进行了合并。
- Above I said that in southern english hw and w merged .
- 从1998年开始的观察就表明,w非常接近-1。
- Observations made since 1998 suggest that w is pretty close to - 1 .
- 这是1983年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的w和z玻色子情况。
- This was the case with the w and z bosons , particles discovered at cern in 1983 .
- 弟子慈渡请我手书他的法名。
- Disciple ci du asked me to write his dharma name in calligraphy .
- 摘要与其诗歌创作一样,遗山的词创作始终贯穿着对唐代大诗人杜甫的尊崇和追摹。
- Like his poetic creation , yuan haowen 's success in ci creation was due to his respect for and modeling after du fu .
- 清代词学作为我国古典词学的繁盛与总结阶段,它对不同文学批评方法予以了全面地继承、丰富、深化和完善。
- As a period in which ancient chinese ci study was prosperous and summarized , ci study in the qing dynasty inherits , enriches , deepens and perfects the literary criticism method .