- 既然微软愿意在平板电脑和智能手机硬件方面大干一场,争取确立新的领导权,为什么要在对其来说战略地位最重要性的pc市场上屈居二线?
- Since microsoft has been willing to roll its sleeves up and try to set a new leadership in tablet and smartphone hardware , why take a back seat in its most strategically important market , the pc ?
- 将军们可能希望昂山素姬在议会中获得一席以帮助登盛总统推进他所启动的改革进程。
- The generals may well have wanted miss suu kyi to take up a seat in parliament , in order to reflect well on the reform process begun by president thein sein .
- 把它打开,坐上去,打开你的手提电脑你就可以开始工作了。
- Open it up take a seat switch on your laptop and you 're good to go .