- 但是我很喜欢英语。
- But I do like english .
- 然而投资者厌恶政策真空。
- But investors abhor a vacuum .
- 可是咖啡在哪儿呢?
- But where was the coffee ?
- 但是其目的尚不得而知。
- Yet its purpose remains elusive .
- 然后政府看上去却不慌不忙。
- Yet the government seems relaxed .
- 他们现在还没有窒息。
- They are not choking yet .
- 但是有关这些交易的信息必须公开。
- They did have to be disclosed however .
- 然而你绕过了我的论点。
- However you have evaded my argument .
- 而这又创造了一个更深的陷阱。
- However that creates an even deeper trap .
- 当别人做梦时,你准备。
- Prepare while others are daydreaming .
- 虽然沃尔玛失去了顾客,可是竞争对手赢得了顾客。
- While wal-mart has lost shoppers , competitors have gained .
- 富时指数下跌,而欧洲股市微升。
- The ftse slipped while european equities edged ahead .
- 而且美国人拒绝干农活儿。
- Americans refuse to do them .
- 所以我拒绝付这个电话费。
- I refuse to pay for this call .
- 但我们到达那里时,看到的却是一个垃圾场:底格里斯河畔堆满了发臭的垃圾。
- But when we got there , it was a rubbish tip : piles of stinking refuse along the tigris .
- 但被其他的党派拒绝了。
- But other parties reject this idea .
- 另一些组织会拒绝有孩子的家庭。
- Others reject families with children .
- 但对于代表们,否决一项法案将是史无前例的。
- But it would be unprecedented for delegates to reject a bill .
- 同时,腐败行为在俄罗斯业已制度化。
- At the same time corruption has become institutionalised .
- 与此同时,基础设施的投资也在增加。
- At the same time infrastructure investment is growing .
- 然而,我也不断的灰心、丧气。
- At the same time I am constantly disheartened .