- 如果谈到内心,你想到的是一整张床单似的织物,那么恐怕这种象征让你产生了误解。
- If what comes to mind is a single , rent sheet of fabric , then I 'm afraid the symbolism has led you astray .
- 早些时候的竞争导致散页乐谱价格跌至每份一美分。
- Competition had earlier reduced sheet music to a mere penny a copy .
- 在最糟糕的情况下,投资条款清单几乎还不足一页a4纸,尽职调查也往往十分粗略。
- In the worst cases , term sheets barely covered an a4 sheet of paper and due diligence was often cursory .
- 最终的印象是好坏参半的。
- The final impression is mixed .
- 这个印象是文化遗产吗?
- Is that impression a cultural heritage ?
- 人们的感觉是,卡梅伦阻碍了对欧元区的纾困。
- The impression is that mr cameron has hindered a euro rescue .