- 一个守卫站监视着封闭的入口。
- A guard stands watch at the gated entrance .
- 日本海上保安厅船只差不多是天天将它们驱离这片领水。
- The japan coast guard ships drive them out of the territorial waters almost on a daily basis .
- 新法案还将使海上保安厅可以通过另外一种方法防止活动人士登岛。
- The bill would also give the coast guard another means to prevent the landings .
- 目前据说至少福安市的保镖行业在这方面做得不错。
- At least fuan 's bodyguard business is reported to be doing well .
- 他雇用了一个保镖,但是也没能在他遇害那天帮上什么忙。
- He hired a bodyguard , but was defenceless on the day he was murdered .
- 目击者说警察打坏了他的车窗并殴打他的政府保镖,但是恩赫巴亚尔还是进到了他的房子里。
- Witnesses say police broke his car window and assaulted his government bodyguard , but mr enkhbayar managed to enter his house .