- 我应该给他寄张卡片吗?
- Should I send him a card ?
- 一些卡片制造商已经感到手头拮据。
- Some card manufacturers are feeling the pinch .
- 每张卡片都夹带着钱。
- Every single card contained money .
- 一旦某个节目或者剪辑在新媒体里大受欢迎,广播公司就可以坐看网站流量飙升。
- Once a programme or clip finds popularity in the blogosphere , the broadcaster can sit back and watch traffic spike .
- 其他各样的回形针都对照宝石牌的各方面加以改进,可也引发了新的问题。
- Many of these other paper clips improve on aspects of the gem clip , but they also raise new problems .
- 为什么回形针这么快就找到了自己安身立命之所,为什么它与我们纠缠了那么长的时间?
- Why did the paper clip find its form so quickly , and why has it stuck with us for so long ?
- 与市场上任何其他的紧固件相比,强力锁紧螺母其独创性设计使其抗松脱时间更长,是机械应用的理想选择。
- Hard lock nuts are innovatively designed to withstand loosening from vibration longer than any other fastener on the market .
- 对波音而言,由于需要广泛商议和安抚的相关方多于预期,确保紧固件供应的努力已完全变了性质。
- At boeing , the effort to ensure fastener availability turned into something completely different as more parties than expected had to be extensively consulted and reassured .
- 波音将这个新系统命名为“紧固件采购模型”(fpm),它用一套中央采购系统来管理订单和库存。
- The new system , which boeing named the fastener procurement model ( fpm ) , would use a central purchasing system to manage orders and inventory .