- 夏尔马对母亲说,家附近。
- ' Around , ' he told his mother , champa devi .
- 这是吴哥在现在的柬埔寨快速衰退的一个时期,也是一些历史学家指责竞争者暹罗人和占婆王国入侵的事实。
- This was the period when the city of angkor in present-day cambodia went into rapid decline , a fact that some historians have blamed on invasions by the rival siamese and champa kingdoms .
- 当你沐浴后湿发披在两肩穿过金色花的林荫走到你做祷告的小庭院时你会嗅到这花的香气却不知道这香气是从我身上来的。
- When after your bath , with wet hair spread on your shoulders , you walked through the shadow of the champa tree to the little court where you say your prayers , you would notice the scent of the flower , but not know that it came from me .