- 占领华尔街应该是幸运的。
- Occupy wall street should be so lucky .
- 那么,哪个地区现在会占据道德高地呢?
- So which region will now occupy the moral high ground ?
- 以色列毕竟入侵过黎巴嫩而且占据了一部分领土长达22年。
- Israel did after all invade lebanon and occupy bits of it for 22 years .
- 所以通常是几个特点组合到一起构成一种亚型。
- So several features would come together that would constitute one type .
- 房产或私人生意之类的非流动性财产在你的财富中所占比例是否不足一半?
- Do illiquid assets like real estate or a private business constitute less than half your wealth ?
- 乌克兰老人的平均月养老金为140美元,但这一支出占到了gdp的18%。
- The disbursements , which average around $ 140 a month per pensioner , constitute 18 percent of gdp .
- 外国人已持有美国国家债务的一半。
- Foreigners already hold half the national debt .
- 把它举在你朋友的头顶上面。
- Hold it over your friend 's head .
- 但是我找不到一把称手的刀。
- But I can 't find a knife I like to hold .
- 水务公司应当牢牢抓住这一机遇。
- Water companies should seize the opportunity .
- 我认为他们应该抓住这个机会。
- I think they should seize that opportunity .
- 但是,我们能够把握时机或者说我们能成功地以债务刺激消费恢复经济吗?
- But can we seize the moment or will the temptation to restore the economy with debt-fuelled consumerism prevail ?