- 并且要严格遵守明细表。
- And stick to the list .
- 列出你生命中关键性的时刻。
- List the defining moments of your life .
- 列出来,并原谅他们。
- List them and forgive them .
- 这可以解释泡沫如何形成。
- That explains why bubbles can form .
- 欧元区能否以当前形态继续存在?
- Will the eurozone survive in its current form ?
- 这问题以新的方式出现了。
- The problem has assumed a new form .
- 他们的商店账单骤然直下。
- Their grocery bill has plummeted .
- 婴儿潮一代留下了巨大的账单。
- The boomers are leaving a huge bill .
- 不过这一法案也存在问题。
- But the bill has problems too .