- 巴黎最受欢迎的表演秀,是喜剧演员florenceforesti的相声说笑。
- The top-selling paris show features a stand-up comedian , florence foresti .
- 有时,我甚至觉得自己像一个喜剧演员,迸发出一个又一个的笑话,使整个课堂哄笑不已。
- Sometimes , I even feel like a stand-up comedian cracking dharma jokes that send the class guffawing away .
- 我不喜欢当今一些喜剧表演者不健康的幽默,我喜欢滑稽说笑喜剧演员的直截了当。
- I don 't like the sick humour of some of today 's comedy entertainers ; I prefer the straightforward approach of a stand-up comedian .