- 买一部辐射吸收标准低的手机吧。
- Look for a cell phone with a low sar .
- 欧元兑美元跌至一个月以来的低点。
- The euro fell to a one-month low against the dollar .
- 低廉的生活成本吸引了退休人员和南下越冬者。
- Low cost of living has attracted retirees and snow birds .
- 只要我们时时关注着宇宙,它就将一直让我们感到谦卑。
- The universe will continue to humble us , if we take the time to look .
- 无论是怎样谦卑的一本书,文森特的艺术总是强调它的珍贵。
- It didn 't matter how humble a book was , vincent 's art always stressed its preciousness .
- 在整个相声的发展历史当中,表演者多数出身卑微。
- Throughout cross talk 's history , performers have come from humble backgrounds .
- 明年美国即使仅仅保持当前不太大的增长速度也已勉为其难。
- America will struggle to maintain even its current modest pace of growth next year .
- 不过,她谦虚的举止掩饰了她的成功。
- Yet her modest manner belies her success .
- 资本流入控制是适度的。
- The capital-inflow controls are modest .