- 一夜暴富的人们用奢华的马车和珠宝炫耀他们的财富。
- The nouveaux riches paraded their wealth in the form of luxurious coaches and jewellery .
- 而房子的内部却并不像这些名字暗示的那么豪华。
- But the insides aren 't quite as luxurious as their names suggest .
- 棕榈城,一个给外交官和高官们的奢华海滨地带,现在已经半空了。
- Palm city , a luxurious seafront complex for diplomats and foreign executives , is half-empty .
- 这是一个上演大结局的华丽地点。
- It 's a gorgeous place to hold an apocalypse .
- 女人穿男人的衣服,会显得妖艳和华丽。
- Men 's clothes make women look elfin and gorgeous .
- daniel餐厅总是如此的精美,它也称得上是真正意义上的华丽。
- Daniel was always fancy ; now it 's genuinely gorgeous , too .
- 那是缓慢而昂贵的生产。
- It is a slow and costly business .
- 汽车制造商的工厂几乎昼夜不停,支付着昂贵的加班费同时推迟保养维修。
- Automakers have been running their factories almost around the clock , paying costly overtime and deferring maintenance .
- 使用这种方式制作的电池往往是小型的和昂贵的,适用于特殊设备比如传感器。
- Batteries made this way tend to be small and costly , suited for specialist devices like sensors .