- 为什么出口会增加呢?
- Why the rise in exports ?
- facebook的崛起令人印象深刻。
- Facebook 's rise had been impressive .
- 电力需求仍会上涨。
- Power demand still would rise .
- 结论:电测听结果提示,用高压混合氧治疗不同听力曲线类型突发性耳聋,上坡型听力曲线组患者的听力改善效果明显优于下坡型、平坦型及聋型听力曲线组患者。
- Conclusion : it is indicated by the results of electroaudiometry that hearing is improved more effectively in the patients with assurgent audiometric curve than in those with declivous , aclinic and deaf audiometric curves if the sudden deafness patients with different audiometric curves are treated with mixed hyperbaric oxygen .
- 飞机起飞后,库柏递给空乘人员一张便条,上面写着他的手提箱里有一个炸弹。
- After takeoff , cooper handed a flight attendant a note saying that he had a bomb in his suitcase .
- 在起飞和着陆时不要交叉你的腿或脚踝。
- Don 't cross your legs or your ankles at takeoff or on landing .
- 第二次试图起飞的过程中,飞机坠毁在跑道末端,燃烧起来,大部分解体。
- During the second takeoff attempt , the plane crashed at the end of the runway , burning and largely disintegrating .
- 也有些地产大亨的排名仍在上升中。
- Some property tycoons are still in ascent .
- 这样的职业上升之路在今天可能吗?
- Would such an ascent be possible these days ?
- 从表面上看,人民币地位上升之快令人印象深刻。
- The renminbi 's ascent appears superficially impressive .