- 虽然女王陛下看起来似乎身体安康,但总会有一天,她那个较之自己远不受大众欢迎的儿子将登上王位。
- While the queen appears in strong health , the time will come when her far-less-popular son will ascend the throne .
- 你穿上连身衣裤,绑上安全带,然后就可以开始攀登著名大桥了,唯一的好处就是可以一睹悉尼港的美景。
- You don a jumpsuit clip into a safety cable and ascend the famous bridge only to be rewarded with a beautiful view of the city 's harbor .
- 那些登上顶峰的企业家有着五花八门的个性,这说明成功并不是由某一基因决定的。
- The sheer breadth of personalities who ascend to the summit shows that there is no single gene for success .