- 现在这些工作岗位都远去了,亨德森每天往返穿梭在失业办公室和工作面试之间,在一些时刻,他会想象他的女儿正在做什么。
- Now those jobs are gone too . Henderson spent his days shuttling between unemployment offices and job interviews , wondering what his daughter might be doing at any given moment .
- 为了想知道女儿每时每刻可能在做什么,亨德森整日奔波于失业处和求职面试之间。
- Henderson spent his days shuttling between unemployment offices and job interviews , wondering what his daughter might be doing at any given moment .
- 日本搓澡女独自打发寂寞时刻。
- Japan scrubs and washes the daughter whiles lonely moment away alone .