- 好不轻易3年过去了,女生一直在等男生,却一直等不到,她伤心过度,绝望的她把钻戒扔入大海,远走他乡.
- Good went 3 years not easily , the schoolgirl is waiting for a schoolboy all the time , do not wait all the time however , she is sad and excessive , she acedia get buddhist monastic discipline to throw the sea , far take a place far away form home .
- 许多人相信他们自己的曲发洗发必须全部使用空调时还是漂洗过一次。
- Many people believe they must shampoo their curly hair all the time or just use conditioning rinses all the time .
- 如果你为某个反复无常并令人讨厌的人工作你的老板听起来就是这样的人你显然需要能够偶尔抱怨几句。
- But being wise all the time is dull , and if you work for someone who is volatile and tiresome as your boss sounds you clearly need to be able to moan about him from time to time .