- 所有这些不断升级峰会此起彼伏,而拉美国家却越发分化:一方是民主自由联盟,另一方是委内瑞拉及其伙伴,而巴西则试图弥合分歧。
- And all this escalating summitry takes place as latin america is more divided than ever , between its liberal democracies on the one hand and venezuela and its allies on the other , with brazil trying to paper over the divide .
- 旅游旺季开始的8月至可能但是它特别可爱季风期间,几乎没有河流和到处溪流。
- The tourist season starts from august to may but is its especially lovely during the monsoons , with little streams and rivulets all over the place .