- 在罗尔夫抵达詹姆斯敦的十年后,又有一批英国移民登上了北美大陆,他们在一处荒凉的海滩靠岸,这里距詹姆斯敦的海岸有450英里,他们把此地命名为“普利茅斯”以纪念他们起航的英国港口。
- Ten years after rolfe arrives in jamestown , another group of english settlers lands in north america . They come ashore on a deserted beach 450 miles up the coast from jamestown , and call the place plymouth , after the english port they sailed from .
- 他大摇大摆地向坐在角落里的一群陪护走去了。这里思嘉和媚兰彼此转过头来正要猜测那个秘密究竟是怎么回事,却见有两位老先生已走近她们的摊位,大声宣布要买十英里长的梭织花边。
- He went off pompously toward a group of chaperons in one corner , and just as the two girls had turned to each other to discuss the possibilities of the secret , two old gentlemen bore down on the booth , declaring in loud voices that they wanted ten miles of tatting .
- 这五名健忘症患者都是男性,研究人员把他们和十个侧脑部没有受伤的男人进行了比较。
- All five amnesiacs were men . They were compared with a control group of ten men who had no injury to their hippocampus .