- 他给当前最紧急的情况提出了意见。
- He offers advice on the most urgent .
- 这位激进的救星称,出生率下降的真正原因是未婚人士数量的增加,所以他认为增加婚姻数量应该是最紧迫的目标。
- The real reason for the declining birthrate , according to this radical saviour , is the rise in the number of unmarried people , so he feels that increasing the number of marriages should be the most urgent objective .
- 然而,当针对黑水公司的调查工作不断加深和丑闻扩大之时,最紧迫的问题也许是:为什么总统奥巴马继续使用这家公司?
- But as the investigations into blackwater deepen and the scandals expand , perhaps the most urgent question is this : why does president obama continue to use this company ?
- 腐败也增加了额外成本。
- Corruption adds an extra levy .
- 你有额外的要求吗?
- Do you charge extra for ...... ?
- 没有这些额外的血管,癌症就不能生长。
- Without these extra vessels , a cancer cannot grow .