- 工匠致力于论文,这样的描绘是错误的。
- The craftsman is dedicated to the thesis that this picture of making is mistaken .
- 有些很别致,例如由一位传统皮革工匠制作的作品,还有的是惊悚风格,例如一位特效化妆师的作品。
- Others are chic , like one made by a traditional leather craftsman , or scary , like one by a special-effects makeup artist .
- 至少维修过程非常耗时且昂贵,因为枪支必须交给一个手艺人才能进行修理。
- At the very least , the process was time consuming and expensive , as the gun had to be brought to a craftsman and repaired to order .
- 如果是木匠,那就可以推测出他是个工匠。
- If a carpenter , then presumably he was an artisan .
- 这使得英国能以一种其他国家此前从未尝试过的方式,来利用蕴藏在它的工匠阶层之中的创造性潜力。
- That allowed england to harness the creative potential of its artisan classes in a way that no other country had managed before .
- 虽然不是严格素食者的选择,你可以发现干酪的制作过程对动物是很人道的(寻找合适的工匠或者有组织的选择)。
- Though it 's not a vegan option , you can find cheeses that come from animals raised humanely ( look for artisan or organic choices ) .
- 几天内我就能掌握这部分。
- I could master this within a few days .
- 世界将不会接受一个美国主人。
- The world will not accept an american master .
- 保罗克鲁格曼在这些方面都是大师。
- Paul krugman is a master of them all .
- 他哥哥(是个泥瓦匠)的出现是否使他的生命感到知足?
- Is the presence of his brother in his life ( sharp is a bricklayer ) another element of his contentment ?
- 这个墓园泥水匠的儿子,他描述了当他是一个小男孩时在那些纪念性的石碑中堕入情网的故事,还有殓棺者对他说的,由于“死者不能说谢谢”,所以殓棺是一种特别令人满意的善举。
- The son of a father who worked as a bricklayer at the cemetery , he describes falling in love among the memorial stones as a boy , and a coffin maker talks about how his work is a particularly satisfying act of charity because " dead people can 't say thank you . "
- 再者,从西班牙的砖匠到华尔街的商人,许多昔日的工作将一去不复返。
- Moreover , many of yesterday 's jobs , from spanish bricklayer to wall street trader , are not coming back .