- 清华大学和在塔斯卡卢萨市的阿拉巴马大学联合培养的水文学家以及大会主持人郑春苗认为,一个更加综合的方法可提供一个估计气候变化和人类活动对水资源影响的基准。
- A more holistic approach " could provide abaseline to assess the impact of climate change and human activities on water resources " , says zheng chunmiao , a hydrologist with a joint positionat peking university and theuniversityofalabamaintuscaloosa , who chaired thebeijingmeeting .
- 北大工商管理专业大二学生汪可菲(音译)曾在入学的第一年选修了一门心理学课程。她表示该门课称枯燥无味,对自己毫无帮助。
- Wang kefei , a sophomore major in business administration at peking university , who selected a psychological course in her first year , said it was boring and was no help to her .
- 北大教授孔庆东在周末一次网络直播的采访中长篇大论地进行上述指责,给他的单位抹黑,让目前关于香港和内地关系的激烈论争进一步升级。
- Kong qingdong of peking university launched the tirade during a webcast interview at the weekend that has tarnished the reputation of his employer and intensified an already fierce debate about relations between hong kong and the mainland .