- 他们让我们看到地球上存在的一切只不过是生命的某个渺小永远为我们而存在的是快乐。
- They help us to see that everything on earth is part of the incredibility of life . And that it is always there for us to take of its joy .
- 当你手头一次接下10项甚至更多工作时,你真的需要超强的跳跃思维来跟进每个客户的每项工作。
- Stretching yourself too thin when you take on 10 or more jobs at one time , you 've got to be a really good juggler in order to keep up with everything you 're doing for each of your clients .
- 本周,日本民主党将完成一次历史性的权力交接,作为准备活动中的一部分,该党正带着些许忙乱和兴奋的心情对一系列问题表态:从严厉限制温室气体排放到改革浮夸的官僚主义体系。
- As it prepares to take the reins this week in a historic shift in power , the democratic party of japan is issuing a flurry of pronouncements on everything from drastic cuts in greenhouse gases to reform of a turgid bureaucracy .
- 他拿着快件,立即离开了饭店。
- He left immediately taking the express .
- 我们将在下个月接受报价。
- We 'll be taking quotations next month .
- 这意味着要拿下公共投标以及其利润率一开始会受到一些打击。
- That means winning open tenders and taking an initial hit to margins .