- 如果你收到来路不明且附带有文件的邮件,那么不要打开那份文件。
- If you receive mail with a file hooked you dont know , then do not open that file .
- 藓类植物往往会形成由成百上千个微小个体聚集而成的厚厚的垫状群落。
- Moss colonies often consists of hundreds of tiny plants growing tightly together to form a dense mat .
- 宠物们则呆在主人的身边,有自己的垫子和水碗。
- Their dog has its own mat and water bowl beside their owner .
- 这个真正的高科技甜心是一个垫子,由一个电子纸屏做成。
- The real tech candy here is the mat which is made of an electronic paper screen .