- 特拉华大学的研究人员们几乎在十年前就研制出了用于制作液体装甲的剪切增稠液体。
- Researchers at the university of delaware developed shear-thickening fluids for use in liquid armour almost ten years ago .
- 因为下午过去得很快,我支使出去的人已经完成使命回来了,而且我从照在山谷的夕阳也能分辨出吉默吞教堂门外已有一大堆人涌出了。
- I grew very uncomfortable , meanwhile ; for the afternoon wore fast away , the man whom I had sent off returned from his errand , and I could distinguish , by the shine of the western sun up the valley , a concourse thickening outside gimmerton chapel porch .
- 瓜耳胶和刺槐豆胶瓜耳胶和刺槐豆胶在食品和非食品应用中是重要的增稠多糖。
- Guar and locust bean gums guar and locust bean gums are important thickening polysaccharides for both food and nonfood uses .