- 尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突、大规模的罢工、闭厂,使得劳资双方两败俱伤。
- The strike with acerb contradictory conflict , massive labour and capital , shut out , make both sides of labour and capital internecine .
- 尖锐的劳资矛盾冲突、大规模的罢工、闭厂,使得劳资双方两败俱伤。
- The strike with acerb contradictory conflict , massive labour and capital , shut out , make both sides of labour and capital internecine .
- 在他的体系中,商人、工匠和手工业者没有增加从土地中转移的劳动和资本。
- In his scheme , merchants , artisans and manufacturers added nothing to labour and capital they diverted from the land .
- 工党通过劝说获得权利。
- Labor talks itself into power .
- 基恩的父母是劳工组织者。
- Keene 's parents were labor organizers .
- 你是如何解决劳工问题的?
- How did you resolve the labor issues ?