- 为了保证航天任务的成功,必须尽量把风险降低到最低限度,力求不出或少出问题。
- In order to guarantee the astronautical mission the success , must reduce as far as possible the risk the threshold , cannot make every effort or little has problems .
- 战俘应当尽量避免提供任何多余的信息。
- The prisoner should make every effort to avoid giving the captor any additional information .
- 我必须更加努力学习和工作,来积累足够的知识,提高自己的能力,尽全力把apsn网站做得越来越好。
- I will need to study much harder and work much harder to cumulate enough knowledge and improve myself much more so that I could make every effort to make the apsn better and better .