- 而这有可能一举动摇石油工业、汽车制造业和电力工业。
- That could shake up the oil , carmaking and electricity industries all in one go .
- 微软一向自命不凡,直到谷歌的到来,才撼动了其地位。
- Microsoft had largely grown complacent until google came along to shake up categories .
- 如果你怀疑这一点,不妨考虑一下上一个撼动世界的新兴超级大国的崛起。
- If you doubt it , consider the rise of the last emerging superpower to shake the world .
- 塔利班极可能打算在未来十天发起更多袭击,以促使外界(赖在阿富汗的决定)进一步动摇。
- The taliban are most likely to attempt more attacks in the coming ten days in an effort to encourage outsiders to waver further .
- 在所有参考系里,光的速度是固定不变的,不受太阳质量变化的影响,所以给天文单位以米为一个设定值意味着它将不再动摇。
- The speed of light is fixed in all reference frames and is unaffected by the changing mass of the sun , so giving the astronomical unit a set value in metres means that it will no longer waver .
- 万一冲突升级,朝鲜瞄准对韩国出口至关重要的航运业等经济目标,那么投资者信心一定会发生动摇。
- Should this escalate toward economic targets , such as the shipping industry that is vital to the south 's exports , then investor confidence would surely waver .
- 奥巴马一样会动摇。
- Like mr obama , he will vacillate .
- 当选民在参选者中决定共和党候选人提名时,候选人的说话的声音可能比内容更重要。
- As voters vacillate among the contenders for the republican nomination , it may matter less what the candidates say than how they sound when they say it .
- 最高领袖哈梅内伊ayatollahalikhamenei也许会犹豫不决,但是总而言之还是会继续支持总统。
- The supreme leader , ayatollah ali khamenei , will vacillate but continue , on balance , to back the president .