- 本周二,奥巴马总统利用了他在十一月大选前在国际舞台上的最后一次重要演讲,目的就是强烈捍卫美国的言论自由信念,并督促初出茅庐的阿拉伯和北非的民主体系,即便是面对暴力,也要确保言论自由权利。
- United nations - president obama on tuesday used his last major address on a global stage before the november election to deliver a strong defense of america 's belief in freedom of speech , challenging fledgling arab and north african democracies to ensure that right even in the face of violence .
- 虽然我们已经进入了网络时代,但虚拟空间代替不了面对面的坦率交流,高清晰度的视频代替不了真实的笑脸。
- We are right in the age of the internet , but virtual space cannot replace candid face-to-face exchanges , and high-definition television cannot replace a real-life winsome smile .
- 犹如令人毛骨悚然而又真实的都市传奇,闪电击中了电话机,并从话筒中冲出,正好击中不幸的西科里拉的脸,杀了他。
- Like a creepy-but-true urban legend lightning struck the payphone came out of the phone 's receiver and struck poor cicoria right in the face killing him .