- 不过在夫妻二人意识到该是结束婚姻的时候了,许多夫妇似乎还会“啊哈”地惊呼一下。
- Still , many couples seem to have an " aha ! " Moment when they realize that it 's time to split up .
- 在达喀尔和托拉博拉的两次会面,以及在贾拉拉巴德的一个夜晚,他们都在暴怒的吵架之后分手,让乔瓦尼伤心哭泣到凌晨。
- There were frenzied meetings in dakar and tora bora and a night in jalalabad when they split up and she cried into the small hours .
- 1999年,艾利卡号(erika)油轮沉没,油污覆盖了法国海滩;2002年,威望号(prestige)在大海上发生断裂,重质燃油扩散到西班牙海岸。
- The tanker erika sank in 1999 , coating french beaches , and the prestige split up at sea in 2002 , spreading heavy fuel oil onto spanish coasts .