- 俄勒冈大学生理系主任christopherminson副教授告诉《探索》栏目记者说:要更好的了解热适应,我们必须了解温度调节,就是说身体是怎样降温的。
- Christopher minson , associate professor and head of the university of oregon department of physiology , told discovery news that in order to understand heat acclimation , one should first tackle thermoregulation , or how the body cools itself .
- 约翰李是迈克辛茨研究能源安全方面的助手,是悉尼大学国际安全研究中心副教授,以及华盛顿非居民的哈德逊研究所资深学者研究员。
- John lee is the michael hintze fellow for energy security and an adjunct associate professor at the center for international security studies , sydney university , and a nonresident senior scholar at the hudson institute in washington .
- adler医生是首席研究员,同时他是辛辛那提大学俄亥俄分校临床精神病学副教授。
- Dr. adler is a principal investigator and an associate professor of clinical psychiatry at the university of cincinnati in ohio .