- bachman是彭博商业周刊新闻副总监。
- Bachman is deputy news director for bloomberg businessweek .
- 为何不尝试着尽量做一名模范副手呢?
- Why not experiment with playing the part of perfect deputy instead ?
- 帕帕季莫斯甚至也可能被劝服留下,也许会担任萨马拉斯的副手。
- Mr. papademos might even be persuaded to stay , perhaps as mr. samaras 's deputy .
- 太阳能电力继续作为辅助能源被应用在宇宙飞船上,并为轨道卫星提供动力。
- Solar power continues to be used as an auxiliary energy source on spacecrafts and to power orbiting satellites .
- 我们必须收集来自所有主要金融市场的实时数据,并加上辅助信息。
- We have to collect tick-by-tick data from all the main financial markets and add auxiliary information .
- 因为辅助构造函数会调用主构造函数,潜在的重复构造逻辑就被大大地消除了。
- Because auxiliary constructors invoke the primary constructor , potential duplication of construction logic is largely eliminated .
- 阿里巴巴网络是阿里巴巴集团的子公司。
- Alibaba.com is a subsidiary of alibaba group .
- 皮尔逊继续他自己的狂欢,给他的附属公司一个真实的美国的存在。
- Pearson went on its own spree and gave its subsidiary a real american presence .
- 他们也下调了桑坦德银行英国子公司的评级。
- It also cut the rating of santander 's british subsidiary .
- 每一张脸都有着一双独特的双眼。
- In each a pair of inimitable eyes .
- 图为南极的一对企鹅。
- A pair of chinstrap penguins in antarctica .
- 能不能给我看一下那一双?
- Can you show me that pair , please ?
- 哥伦布于1492年8月3日开始他的旅程。
- Columbus set out on his voyage on aug 3 , 1492 .
- 我们来看一个样例数据集。
- Let 's look an example data set .
- 得到一个好的组耳机来代替。
- Get a nice set of headphones instead .