- javascript中的抛错处理是一门艺术。
- Throwing errors in javascript is an art .
- 实际上,经济学的骄傲就在于它把这种道德观念抛在一边。
- Economics , in fact , prides itself on throwing aside such wisdom .
- 而抛错处理帮助这些脏代码安全地对开发者隐藏起来。
- Throwing errors helps to keep those dirty implementation details hidden safely away from developers .
- 但是,危机是不会大爆发的。
- Yet there will beno explosion .
- 爆炸事故使数人死亡。
- The explosion accident caused several fatalities .
- 忘掉愤怒的小鸟,准备好迎接小肥羊的爆发吧。
- Forget angry birds , get ready for an explosion of little sheep .