- 我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
- I have hard shell ---- turtle .
- 带壳的山核桃,他们以前平均每磅只拿到2.30美元。
- They averaged $ 2.30 per pound last year for nuts in the shell .
- 因为拥有装甲外壳,飞行员能受到良好保护。
- The crew is thoroughly protected thanks to the armored shell .
- 但注意别露出太多肌肤。
- But beware of too much skin .
- 它也能帮助消除干燥的肌肤。
- It also helps heal dry skin .
- 给皮肤敷些冷水降温。
- Apply cool water to skin .
- 尽管因人口普查而征召的临时工作的结束是拖累就业人数减少的主要原因,但经济前景的不明朗也使得企业削减招聘职位。
- While the unwinding of temporary census jobs has been a major drag on payrolls , an uncertain economic outlook has also caused businesses to pare hiring .
- 这样我削减了博客订阅量只留下必须的,我尽量少的查看邮件,我保持twitter和facebook上只有少量好友。
- So I pare my list of blogs to the essential , I barely do email , I have only a few friends on twitter and facebook .
- 在与8月末这个时间段相称的淡静而涨跌互现的交易中,股市小幅回落,交易员们削减了一些最近盈利的头寸。
- In thin and mixed trading befitting the end of august , equities are inching back , as traders pare some recently winning bets .
- 它被谴责缺少透明和剥离资产,经常只付出了创造工作机会这样的代价。
- Eg. it is accused of lacking transparency and stripping assets , often at the expense of jobs .
- 作为几十年逐步剥离结果的赤裸和房地产泡沫或死贷或互联网股份没有关系,也不是个别州长的错误。
- That nakedness , the result of a gradual stripping over decades , has nothing to do with housing or foreclosures or internet shares . Nor is it the fault of individual governors .
- 共和党领袖米奇麦克康奈尔想通过剥离环保局对温室气体排放的监管权而获得一张选票从而帮助他通过一项法案,而这项法案是拷贝自众议院预算措施的。
- Mitch mcconnell , the republican leader , is demanding a vote on a bill that would mimic the house budget measure by stripping the agency of its authority to regulate greenhouse gases .