- 第一步挑选及时且贴切的主题。
- Pick subject matter that is relevant and timely .
- 选一本关于一个全新主题的书。
- Pick a book on an entirely new subject .
- 挑一个振动器或你喜欢的任何物品。
- Pick out a vibrator or anything you like .
- 美国公共交通工人皆不能罢工。
- American public-transport workers generally cannot strike .
- 这是本年度在卡布尔发生的第二起大规模袭击。
- This was the second big strike in kabul this year .
- 这是第二次这样的攻击在过去的3天。
- This was the second such strike in the past three days .
- 从这个文件夹里把这个文件删除。
- Delete that file from the folder .
- 我相信除了简单地耸耸肩然后删掉它们,我们还可以做更多的事情。
- I believe we all have a duty to do more than simply shrug and delete them .
- 微博客有义务删除有问题的帖子。
- Microblogs are required to delete questionable posts .
- 方法是:用蔬菜代替火鸡,省去意大利培根。
- Just substitute vegetable stock for the turkey stock and omit the pancetta .
- 每个忽略的责任里都隐含着我们应该明白的一些真理。
- Every duty which we omit obscures some truth which we should have known .
- 这是一个非常重要的步骤以致很多人没有花时间做,如果你略去这个步骤,也就意味着你注定要失败。
- This is such an important step yet so many people neglect to take the time to do it , if you omit this step you could be setting yourself up to fail .