- 他们都是家庭生活的基石,都是抚养孩子的勤劳的母亲,而孩子的父亲们在在外游手好闲。
- They 're the bedrock of family life , hardworking moms who feed and raise kids while their fathers are out roaming .
- 实际上,有四分之一的百万富翁,他们所支付的税率要比数百万辛勤工作的中产阶级家庭还低。
- In fact , one in four millionaires pays a lower tax rate than millions of hardworking middle-class households .
- 就在不久之前,他们的国家还被看做那些令人畏惧的新兴市场之一,他们不知疲倦地辛勤工作。
- Not so long ago their country was seen as one of those tirelessly hardworking emerging markets to be feared .
- 虽然经过勤勉研究者的美化和修改,理查三世在公众的想象中依然十恶不赦。
- Richard iii , though softened and cleaned up by assiduous researchers , still limps murderously through the public imagination .
- 殷勤的售后服务也是为什么二手linn产品的价值很高的一个原因。
- Assiduous after-sales service is one reason why the resale value of linn products is high .
- 有一种风险就是这些考验可能将格兰森伯格先生的注意力从勤勉的微观管理中转移出来,而这些正是支持嘉能可取得成功的因素。
- There is a risk that such trials may distract mr glasenberg from the assiduous micromanaging that has underpinned glencore 's success .