- 报告描述它们是有毒的,拥有鸭嘴、海狸尾的卵生哺乳动物。
- Accounts described it as a venomous , egg-laying mammal with a duck bill and beaver tail .
- 它们通常被认为是世界上最毒的动物。
- They are currently recognized as one of the world 's most venomous animals .
- 作者“提出了相当有说服力的证据证明这些是毒蜥蜴”。
- The authors " produce some pretty convincing evidence that these are venomous lizards . "
- 他们充满恶意地说了他们妹妹的一些事情。
- Such spiteful things about their sister .
- 他是个很恶毒的家伙。
- He 's a very spiteful person .
- 他发表了恶意的评论。
- He made a spiteful comment .
- 在我们的政治经济体制中,甚至在我们的社会价值体系中,有些东西有深层的缺陷甚至是有恶意的。
- There is something deeply flawed even malignant in our political economy , and indeed , in our system of social values .
- 恶性肿瘤往往表明是致命的脑疾病,即使是良性的肿瘤,它也可以优先占有正常的大脑活动。
- Malignant tumors indicate often lethal brain conditions but even nonmalignant growths can preempt normal brain activity .
- 他坚称在自己身上其他任何地方都没有发现“哪怕一个恶性肿瘤细胞”。
- He insists that " not a single malignant cell " has been found anywhere else in his body .
- 辛辣的催泪弹从两侧的街道上四处飘散,安全部队驻扎在那里以防抗议者靠近内政部。
- Acrid tear gas drifts from side streets where security forces prevented protesters from reaching the nearby ministry of interior .
- 但是撇开科学,这种辛辣的防腐剂利用了社会不安全感一路闯进了美国大众的嘴巴里。
- But science aside , the acrid antiseptic won its way into the mouths of the american public by way of social insecurities .
- 泻根属卷须状藤蔓植物,有大叶子和小花,其辛辣的汁液有催吐和催泻作用。
- A tendril-bearing vine of the genus bryonia having large leaves and small flowers and yielding acrid juice with emetic and purgative properties .
- 异常美感的办公室美女辛辣十足.
- The abnormal aesthetic feeling office beautiful woman acridity is sheer .
- 利用剧毒的化学品氰化钾,他设下了狠毒的陷阱,诱骗儿子和妻子先后服毒。
- Use virulent chemical potassium cyanide , he is set left acridity pit , coax son and wife early or late take poison .
- 丙:“我放高利贷过分狠毒,将来我想做些慈善事业来抵偿。”最后轮到丁发言,他犹豫不说,其他人说他不公平和不守诺言。
- Third : " I am put usurious beyond the mark and acridity , I want do some of charities to compensate for in the future . " Be turn for ding fayan finally , he hesitates not to say , someone else says he is unjust and gentle do not defend a promise .
- 那个警察不肖做残忍的事。
- The policeman is above cruelty .
- 儿童的残忍对任何人都不足为怪。
- The cruelty of children comes as news to no one .
- 否认这一权利无疑是给他们的不幸施加更多的残忍。
- To deny it to them is to add cruelty to misfortune .