- 联合国安理会定于星期四讨论叙利亚局势问题,联合国在叙利亚的监督使命授权期限将于8月19号期满。
- The u.n. security council is due to discuss the situation in syria on thursday , days before the observer mission 's mandate expires on august 19 .
- 在柯菲德宣布新盈利目标的前一天,他表示,因未能获得监事会的支持,他将在今年9月合同期满时辞职。
- Mr kleinfeld announced the new goals a day after he said he would step down when his contract expires in september after failing to get the backing of his supervisory board .
- 更为重要的是12月份将在波兰召开的大会,届时与会国将讨论联合国支持的有关气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)2012年期满后将何去何从。
- Even more crucial will be a meeting in december in poland to start negotiations over what to do after the u. n. - backed kyoto protocol on climate change expires in 2012 .