- 蛋制品是怎么做成的呢?
- How are egg products made ?
- 所有的蛋制品都来自美国吗?
- Are all egg products from the u.s. ?
- 在俄罗斯,乳制品生产十分流行。
- Milk products are extremely popular in russia .
- 哪些物品被污染了?
- Which goods have been contaminated ?
- 很多商品的价格立即飙升。
- Prices of various goods immediately rocketed .
- 它们既不是金钱也不是货物。
- These are not money or goods .
- 工业品产量持续增长。
- Industrial production continues to grow .
- 但这些都是产品补贴。
- But these are production subsidies .
- 工业生产只是短时下跌。
- Industrial production dipped only briefly .
- 感谢你阅读我的文章。
- Thank you for reading my article .
- 在这篇文章你将得到答案。
- Find out in this article .
- 这篇文章值得仔细研究。
- Eg. the article deserves careful study .
- 其中的一些文物能够在现在位于德国柏林的博物馆里看到。
- Some of those artifacts can be seen in a museum in berlin , germany .
- 当三峡大坝进行初步的挖掘工作时,考古学家发现了一些不同于他们以往所见的文物。
- When initial excavations began for the three gorges dam , archeologists uncovered artifacts unlike any they had seen before .
- 事实上,考古学家曾经在一个原始印第安人部落的文物中发现了有洞炸糕的化石。
- In fact , archaeologists found petrified fried cakes with holes amongst the artifacts of a primitive indian tribe .