- 2001年,瑞士开始施行债务刹车。
- Switzerland introduced a debt brake in 2001 .
- 随着一些国家的越加富裕,这种经济阻碍更严重。
- The brake is likely to get worse as countries grow richer .
- 他说,债务刹车有两个缺点。
- The debt brake has two flaws , he argues .
- 氧化锌避雷器阻性电流测量存在相间干扰,给判断避雷器是否老化、受潮带来困难。
- There are interphase interferences in measuring moa ( metal oxide arrester ) resistive current , which bring some difficulties to determine the moa ageing or wetting .
- 在英美法国家刑事诉讼中,保释是被逮捕人或者被羁押人的一项重要诉讼权利。
- The bail is an important action right of an arrester or a prisoner in the criminal procedure of anglo american law system .
- 淤地坝坝系布设是较复杂的问题,涉及影响因子较多,其中很多是不能定量的模糊因素。
- The arrangement of silt arrester system is a complex subject , involving many factors and most of them are indefinite .
- 卫斯理是一家运动鞋公司的广告经理。
- Wesley is an advertising manager at an athletic shoe company .
- 该集团尤其关注服装与鞋履品牌的投资机会。
- The group is looking in particular to buy clothes and shoe brands .
- 鞋产量回到了危机前的水平。
- Shoe production is back at pre-crisis levels .
- 优异的可装配和完成;制动器单元和精密锁定。
- Excellent assembly fit and finish ; detent snap and precision lockup .
- 流畅的动作,漂亮的制动,强锁死。
- Smooth action , nice detent , strong lockup .
- 分析了电动机制动器机组制动试验时的测试电路,并对测试结果进行了简明扼要的分析,给出了相应的结论。
- This paper analyse the test circuitry of assembling unit of motor and detent when it is tested about the braking time , and provides a corresponding conclusion .
- 但是如果汽车能在驾驶员踩刹车之前就制动会怎么样呢?
- But what if the car could apply the brakes before the driver even moved ?
- 也许正是出于这些考虑才使得英国金融服务监管局突然踩了刹车。
- It may be that some such consideration prompted the fsa to slam on the brakes .
- 电脑芯片已经可以监控从引擎到刹车,到悬挂系统等机械部件。
- Computer chips already regulate machinery , from the engine to the brakes to the suspension .