- 用它来刮掉过多的奶油芝士和梅奥。
- Use it to scrape off the excess cream cheese and mayo .
- 如果蜇刺仍然停留在皮肤中而且能够看的到,刮掉或者刷掉。
- Now if the sting is still in the skin and visible scrape or brush it off sideways .
- 恢复如此缓慢,部分是因为其经济遭受的是内部重创,而非皮肉擦伤。
- The slow rehabilitation is in part because the economy suffered a trauma , not a scrape .
- 有一天不知道为什么我突然问他,你为什么要刮胡子?
- For some unknown reason I once asked him why does he shave ?
- 现在轮到你来发言了,为什么你要刮胡子呢,小伙子?
- Now its your turn to talk , why do you shave guys ?
- 这些团体并不会把剃胡须作为婚礼仪式的一部分内容。
- These groups do not shave men as part of the rite of marriage .
- 这是对甘地最残酷的打击。
- It was the cruellest blow to gandhi .
- 正在此时,神风还在继续地吹着。
- Meanwhile , the kamikaze continues to blow .
- 我往往得先把书上的灰尘吹走。
- Usually I 'd have to blow the dust off the books .
- 这架飞机上有多少乘客?
- How many passengers were on this plane ?
- 我撕了一张便签纸飞机?
- I scratched a note - plane ?
- 坐飞机旅行很少能让人省心。
- Plane travel is rarely fun .
- 移动你的家俱时,地板是否会因此而刮花?
- Did the furniture movers scratch your floor ?
- 每次她走进,他就会朝她吼叫乱抓。
- Whenever she came close , he would growl and scratch at her .
- 它们可能会咬、抓,撕坏家具,或者更糟糕。
- They may bite , scratch , tear up the furniture , or worse .
- 请问您是否使用剃须膏呢?
- Do you use shaving cream ?
- 买一个洗澡时的专用剃须镜和一个方便易拿的香皂。
- Buy a special shaving mirror for the shower and keep your soap handy .
- 比如说,洗澡的同时刮胡子能比洗完澡再刮胡子节省好几分钟。
- For example , shaving in the shower can cut out a few extra minutes over shaving after the shower .