- 财富的创造大部分都是在海外。
- Much of the wealth creation is overseas .
- 另一个重要的发展是创立了专业的经济和金融法庭。
- Another important development has been the creation of specialised economic and financial courts .
- 但大多数银行反对cfpb的创立,担心其可能缚住它们的手脚。
- But most banks opposed the cfpb 's creation , fearing it would tie their hands .
- 我们今天会创建它吗?
- Would we create it today ?
- 创建自己的谷歌搜索引擎。
- Create a google custom search engine .
- 科学家会创造出人造生命吗?
- Will scientists create artificial life ?
- 让小孩子们给作者写信的做法已经变得越来越盛行了。
- The practice of having youngsters write to authors is now widespread .
- 我很快还会再次写信告诉你有关布鲁斯旅行的情况的。
- I will write you again soon to tell you about bruce 's visit .
- 为什么你应该编写一个本地化应用而不是使用移动web?
- Why would you write a native application instead of using the mobile web ?