- 玩耍可能无异于杀害他!
- Playing could actually kill him !
- 但是,这些无人机也杀害了许多平民。
- But they also kill a lot of civilians .
- 但是恐惧不能杀死任何生物。
- But fright cannot kill anything .
- 克服你的恐惧,接下来的事情就简单多了。
- Conquer your fear , and the rest is easy .
- 但为了克服区域范围内的收入差距,还有很多事要做。
- But more had to be done to conquer regional income disparities .
- 但只要有一点额外的知识,你就可以克服对蔬菜的抗拒心理。
- But with a little extra information , you can conquer vegetable resistance .
- 但昨天特里谢采用了更为乐观的语调,抛弃了先前拒绝承认经济复苏萌芽的姿态,因为他曾担心,这些萌芽可能很快就会枯萎消逝。
- Yesterday , however , mr trichet struck a much more optimistic note , ditching his previous refusal to spot green shoots for fear that they might soon wither and die .
- 由于线粒体的存在动摇不定,它们供应燃料的细胞萎缩或者死亡。
- As resident mitochondria falter , the cells they fuel wither or die .
- 我们的感官几乎就像在兴奋点以下,并在黑暗、冰冻和寂静中变得萎缩。
- It 's almost as if our senses become under stimulated and wither in the darkness , ice and silence .