- 实验事情台是用于工件检验测定或者划线的最简单的面基准千分尺,用于各类查验事情。
- Experiments the work table is uses in the work piece examination or the lineation plane datum measuring instrument , uses in each kind of examination work .
- 但是这个建筑的对称的设计和庞大的引起了其他的阐释。
- Yet the building 's symmetrical layout and monolithic scale invite other interpretations .
- 上图显示了固定宽度网页布局大体上的实现方式。
- The image above shows the general outline of a fixed-width website layout .
- 因此简单的垂直布局的表单通效果常好于多栏的布局。
- Therefore forms with a simple vertical layout are always better than multi-column layouts .