- 最简单的户型只有一个单间,在角落里有一个洗脸台,厕所在隔墙后面。
- The simplest consist of a single room with a sink in the corner and a toilet behind a partition .
- 在玻璃隔墙内有个人在打电话,你听不见他的声音,但却看见他难以理解的哑剧表演:你不禁好奇他为什么活着。
- A man is talking on the telephone behind a glass partition ; you cannot hear him , but you see his incomprehensible dumb show : you wonder why he is alive .
- 年轻一代的塞浦路斯人没有统一岛屿的记忆,“绿线”看起来更像是永久的分割线。
- Younger cypriots have no memory of a united island and the " green line " is coming to look like permanent partition .
- 通俗社会学家喜欢将1945年以后出生的人划分为不同的群体。
- Pop sociologists like to divide people born since 1945 into different groups .
- 双方经过长达数十年的谈判,就如何划分该区域达成一致意见。
- The deal follows decades of negotiations between the two sides over how to divide the region .
- 这次纷争将加深他们的分裂。
- The dispute deepens their divide .
- 索赔是承包商和业主之间承担风险比例的合理再分配。
- Claim for compensation is the risk is assumed between contractor and owner proportional reasonable repartition .
- 质疑“初次分配注重效率,再分配注重公平”
- Doubt " the first time allocate pay attention to efficiency , repartition pays attention to fairness "
- 研究公共支出投入与产出的评估,社会贴现率的计算、公共支出中的风险和不确定性以及公共支出中的再分配因素对成本效益分析方法的运用都有着现实的意义。
- Study communal defray investment and yielding assessment , the repartition element in the risk in the computation of social discount , communal defray and uncertainty and communal defray analyses a method to cost effectiveness use the sense that having reality .