- 牵连犯的定罪与处罚问题研究,对于完善刑法理论中数罪形态具有一定的理论指导意义和司法实践价值。
- It 's fixed theory guide meaning and administration of justice practice value how to research the problem of implicated offender 's criminate and implicated offender 's punish , as for making perfect criminal theory many criminal form possess .
- 一年多来,南通市区民政小区有近百辆汽车被人戳破轮胎,居民自装探头监控后发现,凶手竟是一名日本籍空手道教练。
- Over one year , there were nearly hundreds of cars ' s tires had been punctured in civil administration of nantong city . Residents installed a camera to found that criminal was a japanese karate coach .
- 若不达到起诉标准,一般是行政拘留处罚,但假如达到18周岁,且有多次盗窃前科,一般会被处以劳动教养。
- If be not achieved , sue a standard , it is administration detains punishment commonly , but if reach 18 one full year of life , and have larcenous criminal record for many times , general meeting is in with work education .